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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? Jeden příspěvek | Celý strom
Re: Re: Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax?   15. 2. 2008 / 13:16
S tim soihlasim a obecne je to to, co jsem si myslel nebo co vim na zaklade toho, co si pamatuju z termomechaniky, ale jeste nekolik otazek...
Jake pevne castice produkujou motory? Tedy pokud neuvazujeme nejake saze nebo zanedbatelne mnozstvi vodnich par? Imho je vystup jenom horky vyfukovy plyn, ne? Krome toho letadlo samo zadnou vlhkost neprodukuje, pouze vlivem ohrivani vzduchu zpusobuje to, ze dojde ke kondenzaci vlhkosti a tvorbe studene pary, ne? Jako ano, pri spalovani nejaka H2O vznikne, ale IMHO to neni rozhodujici mnozstvi, ne? Nechci se prit, nejsem si uplne jistej, ale mam takovej pocit.

Krome toho, to, co pises o modernich motorech, koresponduje s tim, co si myslim a to sice, ze modernim proudovym motorem proteka daleko vic vzduchu, nez temi starsimi. Jsem si skoro jist, ze se prece jenom jedna vec zmeni a to sice teplota tohoto nasavaneho vzduchu na vstupu a vyfukovaneho na vystupu. A dle meho nazoru prave ten horky vzduch v tom prostredi ma hlavni vliv na tvorbu kondenzacni cary.
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 21:53
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:00
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:24
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:32
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:35
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 00:11
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 09:59
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 11:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 11:49
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Fabo™ Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 12:04
x Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 12:11
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:03
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - napis (SVK007) Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:23
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:43
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:30
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 15:05
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 15:17
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:31
x Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:47
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - napis (SVK007) Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:17
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:21
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:01
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Míra Dušínůj Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:15
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:44
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:21
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:30
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:53
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:27
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:25
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Balooo Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 23:47
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 10:02
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Míra Dušínůj Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 10:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Míra Dušínůj Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 11:01
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:16
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:22
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:23
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - ondras Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:24
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Balooo Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:43
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:37
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - kuma Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:52
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - kuma Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:59
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - kuma Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 17:07
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Fabo™ Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 17:39
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:04
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:33
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:39
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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:48
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 21:26
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 22:47
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