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Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? Jeden příspěvek | Celý strom
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax?   15. 2. 2008 / 09:59
TO ma asi neco do sebe. Mimochodem nekde jsem kdysi cetl neco o tom, ze se ten problem "zatazene" oblohy uz nekde resil a ze se snad uvazuje o pridelovani letovych hladin, podle aktualni meteo situace, aby se tvorba kondenzacnich stop omezila. Nevis o tom neco?

A porad si myslim, ze v tom budou hrat roli i ty motory. Ted sem si nekde vyhledal rozdil ve spotrebe vzduchu u motoru RR pouzivanych u 737/100 a 737/800 a bohuzel tam nebyly presne cisla, ale zjevne tam pomerne velkej rozdil bude.

Mimochodem jeste jedna vec mne napadla a to bys mohl vedet. Neni mozne, ze se letova krivka (pomer vzdalenost/vyska) nejak zasdne zmenila? Dam priklad... kdyz letaly stare masiny na kratsich trasach, casto se proste nestacily dostat nad FL300, takze pouzivaly nizsi hladinu. Kdezto dneska, kdyz maji stroje vetsi vykonnost, tak se snazi do optimalni ekonomicke hladiny dostat co nejrychleji a pohybuji se nad FL300 i na kratsich trasach? Je to mozne?
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 21:53
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:00
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:24
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:32
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:35
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 00:11
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 09:59
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 11:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 11:49
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Fabo™ Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 12:04
x Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 12:11
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:03
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - napis (SVK007) Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:23
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:43
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:30
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 15:05
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 15:17
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:31
x Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:47
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - napis (SVK007) Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:17
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:21
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:01
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Míra Dušínůj Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:37
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:44
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:21
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:30
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:53
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Marky Parky Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:27
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Tragédie v JZD Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:17
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:25
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Bendr Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 22:42
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Balooo Zobrazit celý strom14. 02. 08 v 23:47
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Draifus Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 08:10
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - brendon (SVK832) Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 07:53
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 10:02
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Jaakov Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 10:06
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Míra Dušínůj Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 10:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Míra Dušínůj Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 11:01
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Palo-LM Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 12:43
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:16
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:22
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:23
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - ondras Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:15
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:24
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Balooo Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 16:43
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Luděk Ch. Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 14:37
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - kuma Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:52
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - kuma Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 13:59
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Aldaran Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 15:33
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - kuma Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 17:07
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Fabo™ Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 17:39
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Už přistál Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 17:20
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 19:55
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:04
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:33
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - BigglesR Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:35
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:39
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Michal (BHA373) Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:46
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hermann Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:51
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - anatolij Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 20:48
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Vláďa Stoje Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 21:26
Contrail vs "Chemtrails" Hoax? - Hoaker Zobrazit celý strom15. 02. 08 v 22:47
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