Konkrétně k problému toho videa a odpovědí v support fórech:
I think what you are talking about is the "popping" in of mesh terrain. If I'm not mistaken the issue is partly how FSX is "constructed" and the best way to minimize this is to have very good mesh terrain addons the provide several levels of detail from a base mesh of LOD 9 up to detailed mesh of LOD 11, or 12. I don't know the technical details related to this but some other may have a better way of describing the problem and how to minimize the issue.
V tomto případě myslel Pilots Ultimate s přesností až 5m což potvrzuje i jiný:
For what it is worth the mesh popping is quite normal if you only have default or default plus mesh that is included in the FTX Regions. It was one of the reasons I lashed out a large sum of money for Global Ultimate (I am NOT advertising here). I assume some other brand of mesh to such layered detail will also be most suitable, but since I installed it I have hardly any popping at all and incredible detail, "transforming" in fact.
FreeMeshX v tomto případě nehraje roli, neb není tak podrobný jak Ultimate.
A nakonec reakce mesh "guru" Holgera, který je mimo jiné autorem toho norského...
I suppose the "popping" may be more obvious in the Norway terrain mesh because it's actually the most detailed and accurate of the three: it uses current high-resolution (10m) Norwegian government data as opposed to the 30-m or 90-m Shuttle Radar sources used by the others. Thus, the often steep slopes along fjords and valleys are more defined, which makes the LOD jumps more obvious when flying towards an area.
If you decide to use a different terrain mesh than the one that ships with NOR be aware that you may have (minor) display issues at airport perimeters and waterbodies because their elevations are dependent on the elevation data provided by the NOR terrain mesh. Moroever, the placement of NOR custom objects, in particular the long bridges, may also be affected.
Dost tomu pomohla manuální změna LOD radiusu z 4.5 na 8.5, ale pak FSX rychle padne na držku kvůli OOM, bodejť by, když má načtené skoro celé norsko ![](images/smile/08.gif)
V P3D ve stejné konfiguraci jsem ten problém neviděl, takže to zřejmě souvisí s tím co psali: how FSX is "constructed"