Ciste XP Pro SP3 + zakladne veci pre beh systemu, na ostatne somarinky mam iny os na inom hdd.
Dovolim si este pridat upravy cfg doporucene od Orbx, snad niekomu pomoze:
Notes for above: This is the setting most of the Orbx development and testing team use. Some of us even
lower buildings to 1000, but I recommend 1700 as the "sweet spot". I even use this for my screenshots and
videos. It may seem that limiting trees and buildings will affect the visual quality, but if you consider that FS9
only had a maximum of 600 trees and 300 houses per cell, it's a massive increase and in 99.99% of cases
will still give you very full forests and cities. You will still get great tree coverage with the value set as low as
1500 - it's really a matter of trying some values to see how it looks for you visually.
Notes for above: This little tweak tells FSX to not draw any objects in the distance which are smaller than 2
pixels wide. This can save on FPS also, particularly on approaches to airports in urban/city areas.
Notes for above: This will simply avoid pre-loading the default flight and makes for quicker FSX startup
AffinityMask=3 (for dual-core PCs)
AffinityMask=14 (for quadl-core PCs)
Notes for above: This tweak just tells FSX to distribute the load away from a single core of a multi-core CPU
PC, which mainly helps with the loading and management of texture and autogen caching. You will see more
benefit from this tweak with quad-core CPUs.
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