Engine Failure at or after V1:
• “In the event of an engine failure at or after V1 I will continue on runway heading, with no actions before
________ft except for “Gear up” at positive climb, cancelling any warnings/cautions and confirming of
Continuous Relight, Up-trim and Auto-feather. If inoperative, I will identify, you will verify and feather the
affected engine by means of the Condition lever.
• At acceleration altitude, which is ___________, I will request “ALT” and accelerate to white bug speed. At
white bug, I will request “IAS”, “MCT” and “FLAPS 0º” (In Icing Conditions; FLAP will stay at 15°). I will
request the Recall Items, Emergency Checklist, Normal Checklist and the Procedure Following Failure
Engine Fire at or after V1:
• “In the event of an engine fire at or after V1, I will continue on runway heading, with no actions before
________ft except for “Gear up” at positive climb and cancelling any warnings/cautions.
• At acceleration altitude, which is ___________, I will request “INCREASE IAS TO WHITE BUG SPEED
OF……..” accelerate to white bug speed. At white bug, I will request: “MCT” and “FLAPS 0º” (In Icing
Conditions; FLAP will stay at 15°). I will request the Recall Items, Emergency Checklist, Normal Checklist and
the Procedure Following Failure Checklist.”
Single Engine Flight Path
• The single engine flight-path will be to comply with the after departure clearance, climbing to ________ft and
request radar vectors to the ILS.
• The single engine flight-path will be to comply with the missed approach procedure, return to _____VOR/NDB,
enter the hold and consider the emergency.
• The single engine flight-path will be to climb to _________ft AMSL (1500’ AGL) onto a left-hand/right-hand
circuit, extend on downwind, to manage the situation. We can request an extended downwind and return for
the approach when completed.
Caution: This flight-path will only be considered during day operations, when the crew is positive that they
will not enter cloud or loose sight of the runway.
• For emergency return, you will request ______________________________________.” |