| | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dnes večer IVAO VOR/DME evening 3. 5. 2006 / 21:07 | |
| | term general aviation describes any flight other than a military or scheduled airline flight, ranging from gliders and powered parachutes to large, non-scheduled cargo jet flights. As a result, the majority of the world's air traffic falls into this category, and the vast majority of the world's airports serve general aviation exclusively.
termin GA popisuje kazdy let jiny nez vojensky ci planovany linkovy let, pocinaje kluzaky az k velkym, neplanovanym nakladnim proudovym letum. Rekneme tedy, ze vetsina svetove letecke dobpravy spada do teto kategorie, a drtiva vetsina svetovych letist slouzi vylucne GA.
Neplanovany linkovy let je dost usmevne spojeni, ze?
jasne ze muze cokoliv letet jako cokoliv..
jenze v realu jaksi existuje jista jasnost. to je marny... |
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