Co se ti na tom příspěvku nelíbilo... Slušně jsem ti napsal že ORBX má kvalitativní požadavky na jejich payware, ba dokonce i freeware letiště. To že stáhli freeware letiště jen proto že autor odmítl jeho předělávku pro P3Dv2 je také známá věc... Prostě nechtějí dávat k dispozici software, u kterého nemohou nabídnout to co u zbytku.
A tady máš něco od Vlada... to co jsem psal před chvílí není můj výmysl...
The package includes all the favourite ORBX goodies, such as the People, Nature, Texture and Object flows. Also added are bonuses such as fully modeled town of Horovice and surrounding villages, to give you a better feel how this particular area of Europe actually looks. Custom autogen buildings were designed specifically for this area.
Also added are three fortresses - castles, two, the Zebrak from the 13th century (now only a ruin) and the Tocnik fortress are north west from the LKHV, the third - castle Karlstejn - is just a short flight north from the airport.
The Karlstejn Castle is a large gothic castle founded 1348 AD by Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor - elect and King of Bohemia. The castle served as a place for safekeeping the Imperial Regalia as well as the Bohemian/Czech crown jewels, holy relics, and other royal treasures. Located about 30 km southwest of Prague above the village of the same name, it is one of the most famous and most frequently visited castles in the Czech Republic. See attached kmz file.
Please note: This package was designed to take a full advantage of FTX Global, Vector and openLC Europe. It is therefore strongly recommended to have the these three FTX layers installed.