A tady je ten clanek, taky by o nem v nasich novinach mohli rict vic, nez jen vedci z MIT zjistili... Zvlast kdyz jsou to z pulky anglicani. Zvlast Britter, toho znam trochu z konferenci. Vysledky shrnuje odstavec
Liu et al. (33) estimated globally 90000 premature deaths are due to intercontinental transport of PM2.5 and its precursors. While aviation accounts for 1% of total air quality-related premature mortalities, it is equivalent to 10% of intercontinental impacts. Precise quantitative comparison of aviation’s “efficiency” of exporting pollution relative to other sources on a like-for-like basis requires further work. However, our calculations indicate that some countries are net exporters of aircraft pollution and some are net importers. For example, the United States incurs 7 times fewer mortalities than would be expected based on its aviation fuel burn alone, while India incurs 7 times more mortalities than would be expected by scaling total global aviation mortalities by its fraction of aviation fuel burn (see the SI).
V podstate tvrdi, ze letecka doprava zpusobuje asi 1% z predcasnych umrti zpusobenych dopravou. Vlastni predmet tohoto clanku, tj. emise v hladine zpusobuji ovsem 10% veskereho mezikontinentalniho transportu PM2.5, takze nektere zeme, jako treba USA posilaji hodne emisi vzduchem jinam ![](images/smile/01.gif) |