Dobrý večer pánové už delší dobu si lámu hlavu nad tím co dělám špatně že mi tenhle stroj nechce sednout na autoland příklad letím příletovku BODAL2S rwy24 LKPR po minutí RASIM klesám 4000FT po dosažení 4000FT zmáčknu APPR/LAND na PFD display se rozvítí APPRARM zachytí LOC do té doby vypadá vše OK drží sestupovou rovinu ale ale osu dráhy ne viz obrázek a svítí mi APPR ONLY dle manuálu by mělo svítit DUAL LAND
Na stránkách PMDG jsem našel toto: Autoland
Performing an autoland in the MD-11 is as simple as pressing the APPR/LAND button located on the FCP above the AUTOFLIGHT button. Provided you are tuned to an ILS frequency that contains both a localizer and glideslope, (which is done automatically by the FMS) the plane will execute an autoland unless you take over manually.
The type of autoland is determined when you descend below 1,500 ft AGL as follows:
If all your systems are opering normally you will see a green DUAL LAND annunciation on the PFD FMA indicating a full CAT III autoland.
If you have failures that are not critical for the autoland (for example, one of the two autopilots inoperative or one HYD system failed) a white SINGLE LAND will be annunciated and a CAT II autoland will apply.
If you have critical system failures, or excessive deviation from LOC or GS a white APPR ONLY will be annunciated and the autoland function will not be available. The aircrtaft will continue to track LOC and GS, but autopilot will disconnect at 100 ft AGL.
IMPORTANT In an autoland the AP remains engaged after touch down to keep the aircraft aligned to the runway. At the end of the rollout you should manually disengage the autopilot, otherwise you will not be able to taxi, since the AP will still try to keep you on runway track.
A s toho jsem úplný jelen usuzuji že mám kritické selhání systému. tady je screen
Ještě mně napadá jestli je ILS rwy24 CAT III a zda-li to může mít vliv? |