Honzo myslíš toto?
Dear All,
i have received an email from the developer of FsNavigator, Helge Schroeder, requesting that we stop selling his product by Dec 31st 2007.
From that email it became clear that there is no FSX version development at all for this product, e.g. the product will stop existing.
I have replied with constructive suggestions about continuing to sell the product for those who still wish to purchase even if at a lower price, but was not given the honor of a reply so far.
so for now, this is a sad announcement for all that had hoped for a brighter future of this product.
seasons greetings to everyone!
Tak bohužel zdaleka anglicky neumím,ale nějak jsem vyrozuměl,že nebude pokračovat na vývoji pro FS2004,ale to nedělá už více jak půl roku |