Tak k tomu zrcadlu na silnicih se pridaly dalsi
zajimavosti : neberte to vse doslovne, poradi a tak
ale tak to bylo :
Good Morning, Ruzyne ATIS Information November. 0930Z, Wind 140/6 knots, ILS approach runway
24 in use. Runways are wet, condintions on runway 31 : ice, contamination 2mm, breaking
action poor. runway 24 : first part slush, contamination 1mm breaking action medium,
second part ice with slush contamination 0.5 to 1mm braking action medium to poor, trird part, ice, contamination 0.5mm. Runway 06 covered with deicing chemicals. Taxiway C covered with ice, breaking action poor. Taxi with extreme caution. North terminal contamination ice
with slush and water up to 1mm, breaking action poor. Visibility 1500 meters, runway 31
RVR 1200 meters, runway 24 RVR 1400 meters. Scattered 300 feet, broken 400 feet, overcast
550 feet. Temperature -2, dewpoint -5. DME PG runway 31 out of service. You have recieved ATIS information November.
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