| ![](/img/tree_first_line.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 15:05 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | LKMT včera 1320UTC...nastěstí se nikomu nic nestalo |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 15:07 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 15:16 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Co se stalo? To byl start nebo přistání? |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 15:34 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | touch and go...asi led smyk |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 15:29 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | a to bylo zrovna pekne...![](images/smile/02.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 16:18 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | takhle to vypadalo jeste 17.9.2005, LKVY |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 17:03 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | hm to bylo pěkné letadýlko škoda no .
na obr. to vypadá jako by se mu podlomil přední podvozek |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 17:55 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | A jejda to mají LETS FLY starosti. Takže zase ubereme něco z AI. ((( |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 18:59 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | To se bude muset odepsat celej stroj? Nepujde to dat dohromady? |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 19:11 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Prý je to hóóóóódně špatné. Poškození je poměrně velké. Byly problémy se shimi na přídˇáku. Pří přisání se jim to roztřáslo a už se nedalo nic dělat. |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 18:04 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Mimochodem v tom seděl jeden z inspektorů ÚCL při přezkušování CPL. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 18:55 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 19:42 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | To nevím, ale ten kluk zkoušku udělal. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 19:56 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | odešli od toho po svejch, takže good nouzák... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 21:03 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Kdyz se koukam na tu fotku, tak mi prijde, ze to ma celkem slusne zlomeny cumak. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 21:38 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Aha, tak to jsem si nevsiml. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 22:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | jo udělal zkoušku...jenom modřina na čele asi od beranů...a letadlo na odpis |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 11. 1. 2006 / 22:33 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | To musi v zapisniku letu vypadat dobre )). |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 12. 1. 2006 / 17:36 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | No, IMHO, je to možná spekulace, ale jestli došlo k poruše antishimmy a on to pořesto někam doved tak, že si nenabili tlamu, tak by to (teoreticky, nechci mu to zakřiknout) zas tak špatnej zápis bejt nemusel.
Už jsem takovej viděl - to když náš VLP zamlada přived na zem Z-142 i s pasažérem vcelku a vpořádku poté, když mu při běžném navigačním tak 250m nad zemí vyskočila jedna ojnice bokem motoru ven - rána a šlus. Protože to je mimo jiné taky dobrý plachtař, potlačil, zakroužil, vybral plochu, vytáhl klapky a přistál do pole. Na letiště se 142 dovezla vcelku, tažená za ocas za autem. Takový zápisy se taky píšou do deníčku, že... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 12. 1. 2006 / 22:08 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | prosim te, co je to ten antishimm ?? google vyblil jen jeden nicnerikajici odkaz....
dik |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 12. 1. 2006 / 22:45 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | tos hledal spatne slovo ) nehledej slovo antishimm ale antishimmy .)
Most tail gears are provided with an antishimmy device to minimize tendency of the tail wheel to oscillate violently during landing and taxying. This device usually consists of two friction disks held in contact with each other by a coil spring, also shown in figure 31. One disk is carried by and rotates with the tail gear spindle while the other is fixed to the spindle support, and friction between the two serves to dampen oscillations. Sometimes the tail wheel is restrained toward the trailing position by a centering arm, and in some cases a latch operated from the pilot's compartment is used to lock the tail wheel in the trailing position during take-off and landings. Tail gear control cables incorporate a shock unit (coil spring) connected either in series or parallel with the cable, as shown in figure 23. This unit absorbs shocks caused by oscillation of the tail gear, preventing their transmission to rudder control cables. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo 12. 1. 2006 / 17:46 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Taková veselá tečka ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 26. 4. 2006 / 19:59 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 26. 4. 2006 / 22:16 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | vrtulnicek je vetsi nez letadlo...
a jak se asi bude hlasit rlp? vrtulnik +1 "wingman" |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 26. 4. 2006 / 22:28 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Nebolo jednodusie ho odmontovat kridla a poslat po zemi? |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 26. 4. 2006 / 23:04 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 27. 4. 2006 / 08:36 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Někde v TV říkali, že by je to vyšlo dráž!!! |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 27. 4. 2006 / 08:36 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Někde v TV říkali, že by je to vyšlo dráž!!! |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: ok-elo - snad přežije 27. 4. 2006 / 09:01 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | v TV rikaji same chytre veci |
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