| ![](/img/tree_first_line.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Level D - 767 17. 9. 2005 / 12:12 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | je to opravdu tak úžasné, jak se píše na vysoko položeném serveru ? |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Level D - 767 17. 9. 2005 / 12:27 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Užasné je poněkud silné slovo , to mám vyhražené pro příjemnější věci - , ale je to dost DOBRÝ |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Level D - 767 17. 9. 2005 / 12:27 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Je to velmi pěkné, bohužel pro něj není tolik SID/STAR - zatim |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Level D - 767 17. 9. 2005 / 13:04 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Osobne si myslim, ze spolu s ATR do F1 je to asi to nejlepsi, co existuje ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Level D - 767 17. 9. 2005 / 13:15 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Spolu s PMDG 747 vrchol současných addonů... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 15:50 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Je to perfektni ero...ted vydali Service pack 2 ktery ho posunul zase nekam uplne jinam,nez jiny soucasny addony. a hlavne to ma(aspon pro me) uzasnou schopnost nacteni celeho kokpitu tam,kde jsem si to pred tim ulozil.
Ale potreboval bych s necim pomoct...uz jsem to sem daval jednou,ale nedostavila se na to odpoved:
Stale ted zkousim s LDS767 manualni pristani...jakmile vypojim AP(cca v 1000-2000ft),vytrimovany letadlo se pomalu zacne odychylovat od GS-coz to by bylo asi normalni,snazim se to vytrimovat,jak to jde,ale tak v cca v 200ft mi ten indikator docela prudce ujizdi(jako by se pred prahem GS snizil ) a ja musim s letadlem prudseji dolu...cim to je?je to tak i v realu? jo a jeste jedna vec-jsou v FS naprosto presne zesynchronizovana PAPI svetla s GS indikaci ILSu v cockpitu?
A este posledni vec...nevite o nejakem cockpit videu,kde by takovy rucni pristani bylo ale aby byli videt i eadi a ehsi... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 16:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Rejpava: cim ho posunul uplne jinam, nez soucasne addony? to by me opravdu zajimalo ...
jinak pri rucnim pristani samozrejme musis rucne korigovat smer i vysku letu ...tim ze ty vychylky resit trimovanim muzes rozhodit cele vyvazeni letadla, takze Ti pak upadne, od ceho mas knipl?
PAPI a GS spolu nijak propojene (fyzicky) nejsou ...ale meli by ukazovat to same (papiny nastavene tak aby pocitali se stejnym uhlem jako GS)- pokud drzis GS tak by mely byt normalne dve bile a dve cervene |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 17:49 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Já bych možná ještě doplnil, že čím blíž je prahu dráhy, tím je indikace LOC i GS citlivější a i malá odchylka od srpávné dráhy letu se s blížícím prahem dráhy na indikátoru začne rychle zvětšovat. No a pokud není schopen to včas a přesně ručně korigovat, lehce se může dostat úplně mimo rozsah indikace ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 18:24 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Důležitý je, že s tim v pořádku přistaneš ne ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 19:03 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | díky moc za odpovedi...tak to asi bude tou citlivosti,protoze presne tohle se mi taky zdalo-cim bliz k draze,tim je to tezsi se udrzet na GS... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 19:05 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | jeste neco...o nakym tom videu...nevite nekdo? |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 19:45 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | V pohodě, je to jen otázka cviku, zkoušej a za chvíli to půjde samo Jde vlastně jen o to, snažit se předvídat, kam letadlo začíná proti indikaci uhýbat a korigovat dřív, než doopravdy uhne. I když 100% to udržet nejde, kousek před prahem už je citlivost příliš velká. Ale to už jsi zase dost blízko na to, že se podle GS už řídit nemusíš a vidíš už dobře dráhu. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 18:39 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | *************************************
**** Service Pack 2 ****
**** NEW FEATURES ****
- MAG/TRUE switch added to FO panel and VC.
- L/R engine indication variations.
- pause at TOD option (in "Instructor" dialog box).
- RDMI OFF flags.
- R ADF receiver added (see also R ADF ident button).
- keyboard shortcuts for lights and RMI switches.
- Aerosoft's EFIS boxes compatibility (updated mcp747.exe provided).
- better speed control during FLCH/VNAV cruise level change.
- updated LOC capture code.
- reselecting ALT HOLD button refreshes the target altitude.
- route drawing code improved.
- new route drawing symbols added.
- auto switch to TRUE heading when near poles.
- the spoolup before start sequence has been improved.
- EGT peaks during start, more accurate idle EGT.
- engine bleed air pressure is now biphasic (HP/IP valves).
- much improved gauge smoothness in standard resolution VC.
- new 3D RMI knobs,MAG/TRUE hdg switch, F/D and A/T switches.
- updated warning lights on the overhead for better aspect at different resolutions.
- enhanced SDK (see LVLDSDKDemo.exe for demo).
- GPWS/TCAS Sounds integrated with Level-D controls and
customizable: see "How to customize GPWS aurals.txt"
in "Level-D Simulations\B767-300\Sounds\".
**** FIXES ****
- FD pitch bar moves smoothly to 8° when FD turned on.
- GA F/D Mode engages even when AFDS is OFF.
- ASA indications during IRUs alignment.
- ASA now takes ±5 seconds to update to a new status.
- sideslip accounted for in TRACK map alignment.
- EHSI/FMC sometimes displayed ETA as x hours 60 minutes (ie. 0160z).
- plan view runway symbols are correctly aligned with flightpath display.
- wrong heading was displayed in map & plan modes when in IRS ATT mode.
- standby engine gauges will display during complete EICAS failure.
- fixed lighting problem with secondary engine display gauge.
- control surface indicators show droop.
- caution & warning aurals/lights inhibited during Take-off.
- no more "cargo overheat" messages.
- "AUTOTHROT DISC" message is no longer indented.
- "PROBE HEAT" message logic.
- "UNABLE NEXT ALT" message.
- left VOR ID would not appear on NAVRAD page if right VOR was not tuned.
- NAVRAD page remote tuning function was not filtering out NDBs in database.
- vectors waypoints no longer cause incorrect distance predictions.
- FMC NAVRAD page now looks as it should. ILS autotune will still
function if you have the option set.
- no more "autobrake" light/message if right hydraulic pressure low.
- low hydraulic pressure will disarm A/B only in landing modes, not in RTO.
- A/B switch remains in the RTO position when the RTO braking stops during pedal braking.
- correct power source for F/O Altimeter and ASI.
- ADP will work with only one engine providing bleed air.
- pack logic during loss of electrical power.
- left duct pressure indicator powered by Left Main bus.
- right duct pressure indicator powered by Left & Right Main bus.
- the IRU on DC horn now starts after one minute delay.
- 1 second delay after pressing the fire test button.
- HYD QTY indications independent of time settings.
- equip cooling switch, RMI switches and MAG/TRUE switch correctly saved with panel data.
- BAT DISCH light logic (STBY power switch in BAT position).
- starting both engines at the same time is no longer possible.
- crossbleed start need ±70% N2.
- bleed & bleed ISLN valves remain in last position if not powered.
- Left fwd fuel pump PRESS light after landing with APU ON.
- printing of keyboard shortcuts & quick tips now possible on network printer.
- Shift-K now works (FMC KA Mode activation).
- various fixes to clocks.
- some dialogs were not heard at second or successive pushbacks
- an issue after FS video replay and some pause/unpause commands.
- click in an FS add-on dialog box (as SquawkBox).
- pressing "Q" doesn't affect the gauge sounds anymore in slew mode.
- Dave's "Stand by One" message volume increased.
- Ian's "Stand by One" message added.
- Lee Hetherington's updated TCAS2v7.dll, removed code that could cause FS to terminate abnormally.
- warning panel CONFIG, PULLUP and GS lights no longer stick on at touch down.
- G/S INHIBIT only inhibits glideslope warning.
- glideslope warning adjusted to reduce unnecessary warnings at low alts.
- DH resets to 200 after cold & dark cockpit.
- the ADF needles will always point correctly to ADF station relative to nose when tuned.
- the VOR needles will point incorrectly if wrong MAG heading is entered when in ATT mode
(the heading card will be incorrect).
- when signal or heading ref is lost VOR needles will freeze in place.
- when signal is lost ADF needles will freeze in place.
- there is now a minimal delay of 15 sec between two flaps commands.
- descent announcements were sometimes triggered by weather turbulences.
- "We are starting our descent" address tied to TOD (if an FMC route exists).
- "Seat for departures" announcement no more heard just after unpausing the sim.
- Fixed missing polygon in VC. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 20:15 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Diky ) pekny seznam .. ale ta otazka stale lezi .. co je na tom D767 natolik prevratneho, ze nechava ostatni addony daleko za sebou (ci jak to ada psal)
ja se tim do toho 767 nenavazim, jeho primy predchudce bylo moje nej nej oblibenejsi letadlo ... jenom patram po puvodu tak silnych slov .) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 20:38 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | precti si vylepseni SP1 a SP2 a zjistis to jsou tam nekde takovy vychytavky,ktery jsou uz opravdu pro hardcore letce a ja je ani nikdy snad jeste nevyuzil(ale doufam ze jednou jo) je to proste letadlo,ktery se zatim vsim co umi a obsahuje se ve sve kategorii nejvic priblizilo realite...napr. ma nejlepsi a nejstabilnejsi autoland o cemz jsem se uz nekolikrat presvedcil (nemuzu zase tolik porovnavat,ale ctu tamejsi forum kde mnoho lidi vychvalovalo kvality LDS na ukor (asi jeho nejvetsiho konkurenta) PMDG....
jinak zas tak radikalne(nechava ostatni addony daleko za sebou) jsem to nenapsal ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 20:42 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Dobre .. napsals to .. ale nic prevratnyho tam nevidim ... co je opravdu dobra vec (ale nesouvisi primo s litanim) je SDK .... to bych u PMDG kvitoval... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Level D - 767-manual landing 17. 9. 2005 / 21:30 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | A mezi námi děvčaty, ty SO1 a SP2 většinou opravují chyby , kterých tam při vydání bylo požehnaně. Slušná databáze SID/STAR u toho není dodnes |
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