|  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 12. 12. 2024 / 21:36 | |
|  | Zlin je venku, 459kč v Marketplace Msfs 2020. |
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 |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 12. 12. 2024 / 22:15 | |
|  | No aka vyborna sprava......dik za info. |
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 |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 12. 12. 2024 / 23:39 | |
|  | Tady jsem udělal video : https://youtu.be/7_eIDq27ku0
Vypadá to dobře, lítá to dobře, zvuky motoru ok, ale při vypnutí motoru to nesedí s animací vrtule, nejsou zvuky přepínačů v kabině. |
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 |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 00:00 | |
|  | ked natvrdo skopirujem subory do 24 tak to neidentifikuje. Za pokus to stalo  |
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 |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 00:06 | |
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 |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 10:42 | |
|  | The files are encrypted by MS/Asobo, so even if you copy them under FS2024, they will not work.
But of course I plan to convert the Zlin to FS2024. |
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 |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 11:14 | |
|  | Although not for my sim, this your aircraft looks stunning! |
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 |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 11:31 | |
|  | Thanx a lot Tibi for your work! Who wants to, will buy, and who doesn't, will look for faults. I appreciate your work, and that's why I bought it. |
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 |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 16:14 | |
|  | Thank you. Purchased and looking forward to it working in MSFS24 |
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 |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 00:16 | |
|  | Bohužel to není jen toto. Gyro má otočené ručičky (točí se „pamatovátko“). Kompresor nefunguje. Věřím, že vyrobit tento model dalo mnoho práce (které si opravdu vážím), ale bohužel mi to připomíná spíše model, který byl tehdy vyrobený pro Prepar3D. Pro sim pilota asi výborný model, ale pro reálné piloty, kteří vědí, jak to letadlo funguje, tento model nebude dostačující. |
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 |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 09:17 | |
|  | predpokladam ze vsetko bude v dalsich updatoch. A co upozornoval autor uz predom, tak nevytvoril model ktory ma vsetko funkcne. |
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 |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 10:37 | |
|  | This is exactly what I want, this is my plan, dekujem pekne!  |
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 |  |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 14. 12. 2024 / 11:07 | |
|  | It's a piece of excellent work. I've been waiting for this for years. Good luck with the updates. And don't be discouraged by greedy users. Many thanks. |
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 |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 10:35 | |
|  | First of all, I would like to point out that it is quite ridiculous to compare this release with the FSX version released more than 10 years ago. It is almost nothing like that version! I should note that there was never an official P3D version of this, it was originally made ONLY for FSX, and this version was copied by some people under P3D, which means that we are not talking about a native P3D version.
I'm sorry you didn't read my forum posts here describing exactly what you can expect when the aircraft is released. You would not be disappointed now.
If you were disappointed because the Zlin's shape was not like the real thing, it would be distorted and disproportionate, you would be right to be disappointed.
If the textures were ugly and unrealistic, I would understand your disappointment.
If the sound of the engine was not realistic, I would understand your disappointment.
If you had bought a PMDG-level-like OR a very overpriced product and not all the levers and switches worked, I could understand your disappointment.
But to be disappointed because of a simple stall warning check button that doesn't work???? Are you serious?
I'll write down for you again what I've written a few times in this forum:
I wanted to release this Zlin with every single part working as it does in reality, so I put all my knowledge and love into this airplane, I put my heart and soul into it - but unfortunately I am not a programmer! So unfortunately, there are a few features that the simulator version does not yet have. However, I don't think that these missing features are so great that they would spoil the experience that the aircraft can give you.
I would therefore like to address the shortcomings resulting from my lack of experience by seeking more knowledgeable professionals (sound engineers and also programmers) to help me make the missing features of the aircraft. But unfortunately they asked a price for their work (thousands of EURO!!!) that I am not able to cover out of my own pocket.
That's why I decided to make all features what I could, and leave the rest to these experienced professionals and cover its cost from sales. By this I mean the sound effects that are still missing and the equipment that is not working or not working properly.
As also have Type Rating and few hundred flying hours on this Zlin, so I clearly know what features are still missing or doesn't work properly.
Further previous information please read past topics on flightsim.cz forum. |
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 |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 13:30 | |
|  | Szia Tibor.
Thank you very much for the early Christmas. I'm really looking forward to trying out the Z142. For the price you've set, with Microsoft taking an additional 30%, it's an absolute luxury.
Above all, don't let that discourage you from creating. You're doing a great job and I'm very grateful for that.
Martin, FPS |
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 |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 14:35 | |
|  | Moc pěkné video. I když největší překvapení pro mne byla AN-2 s výsadkáři. Na to je nějaký přídavek? Jaký? |
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 |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 14:49 | |
|  | Díky. Je to součástí scenérky LKZA od kluků ze Slovenska. |
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 |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 17:52 | |
|  | Scenerka a animace jsou můj výtvor.Celé sem to poskytnul Maťovi.Ten to doplnil a vydal,což já neumím
a nechci se to učit.Oživuji si scenerky těma animacema aby to nevypadalo jako kulisy. |
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 |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 20:12 | |
|  | A kde máte tu scenérku ke stažení? Je zadarmo, nebo placená? Bude i na FS2024? |
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 |  |  |  |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 20:59 | |
|  | | |
 |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 13. 12. 2024 / 16:16 | |
|  | Krása! Akorát z těch 105 km/h na finále mě úplně mrazí  |
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 |  |  |  | PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS 31. 12. 2024 / 11:49 | |
|  | Dík. Čekali jsme na něj dlouho a myslím, že nezklamal. Chybička se asi vloudila. Jak vám funguje kompas? Mně ukazuje kurs pravítko. |
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