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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video Jeden příspěvek | Celý strom
PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   28. 10. 2024 / 11:28
Vyzerá to ,že Zlin 142 pre MSFS sa blíži do finále.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   29. 10. 2024 / 07:59
Vizuálně moc pěkné, ale teda tím, že není simulována funkce kompresoru to podle mne pohřbívá celou 142... Je to zcela zásadní úkon pro spuštění motoru (bez připnutého kompresoru nemá startér čím točit), a pro jakékoliv režimy/úkony.
(A to se jen bojím, co udělali s korekcí směsi, jestli to je fakt korekce automatické regulace, nebo ten knoflík namapovali na obyčejný ovladač směsi ála Cessna)

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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   29. 10. 2024 / 09:38
If you've been following my posts on Zlin over the last few months, you'll know that (unfortunately) I'm NOT a programmer just a person who is a big fan of Zlins.
But I've put all my knowledge and free time into this project, trying to give the best and the most to the users - within my own limits. If you expect PMDG-like system simulation from me, you will not get it, please don't buy the plane, you will be disappointed!

However, there are still a few things that I unfortunately couldn't make as I wanted. As I fly this aircraft in real life, I am well aware of these shortcomings.
One of them is the implementation of the compressor operation. FS is familiar with the concept of supercharger, but its simulation is not exactly the same as the one in Zlin. I tried it. For example, I could not make it turn on and off by a lever or switch. Maybe this is just my lack of knowledge, but here I would refer back to the beginning of my post: unfortunately I am NOT a programmer. But believe me, I tried everything I could!

Of course, the development does not stop after the release, but the pace of development will be largely determined by how popular the Zlin will be on the Marketplace, and how worthwhile it will be to continue with it. If all goes according to my plan, I would like to have Wwise sounds made by experts, add more features and optimise the operation of some of the current ones.

But these further developments are beyond my knowledge, so they would also cost me a LOT of money, which I could cover with the income I have. That is why I am making further developments dependent on this. I am sorry if this disappoints anyone.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   29. 10. 2024 / 10:08
Szia Tibor.

Please don't apologize. You do maximum for development proces of this aircraft.

As for me, I am very much looking forward to your Z142. Even if, as you write, it will have a few shortcomings. Some models on the Marketplace are much worse than your Z142. I've been researching the SDK manual for making airplanes and it's a really complicated process. Sceneries has its complications, but airplanes are a whole other category.
Either way, I will definitely support your project.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and good luck.

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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   1. 11. 2024 / 23:48
One thing I was always wondering about, how does the compressor work in practice? Is it a simple x1.2 manifold pressure, or is there a more insidious progress when it maybe results in +0.2 atm at higher throttle?

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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   2. 11. 2024 / 09:21
Ve většině případů je to první varianta - kompresor běží pořád předem daným převodem otáček (nebrat prosím za slovo, vím, že na M-332 a 337 ho lze vypnout, stejně tak například u Merlinů vyšších verzí lze naopak zařadit druhou rychlost). Existovaly ale i případy co popisuješ jako druhou variantu - konkrétně to použil Daimler u DB-601 a 605. Do plnicího tlaku 1.0 ata (respektive rovnocenného s tlakem vnějšího vzduchu) se otevírala škrtící klapka a kompresor běžel na velmi nízké otáčky a teprve poté při dalším přidávání plynu se pomocí variátoru zvyšovala rychlost kompresoru a tedy plnicí tlak rostl.

Obě varianty mají svoje výhody i nevýhody, ale to by bylo na dlouhé pojednání. V praxi se to ustálilo tak, že drtivá většina motorů s mechanickým kompresorem používá tu první variantu, dokonce bez možnosti jeho odpojení (s tím jsem se setkal jen na zmíněných M-332 a 337, jinak o dalším takovém nevím)
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   16. 11. 2024 / 13:27
Překvapuje mě, jak mohou být někteří lidé nevděční...
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   17. 11. 2024 / 22:14
Omlouvám se, pokud se Vás dotkl můj názor, že u komerčního placeného produktu bych očekával alespoň základní simulaci zcela klíčové věci pro ovládání daného typu, v tomto případě kompresor.

Za nevděk bych osobně považoval kritiku absence kompresoru u volně dostupného addonu, případně kritiku něčeho zcela minoritního bez vlivu na létání jako nějaký grafický artefakt, málo detailní textura, atd. Zřejmě se naše pojetí nevděku liší.

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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   18. 11. 2024 / 08:03
Okay, once again.

I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER. But this skill is essential to be able to make the compressor work properly. At the moment, the FS2020 makes the compressor work by the position of the throttle lever, which is not usable in this case, for Z-142.

If I were a programmer, I would have solved this problem. But, as I said, I am NOT A PROGRAMMER, so unfortunately I will have to call in a competent specialist, which is a lot of money, so I can only cover it from the proceeds of the sold copies of Zlin-142. Do you get it??

If this is unacceptable to you, and even makes the aircraft unenjoyable and unflyable for you, DO NOT BUY IT! It will not make me sleep badly!
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   18. 11. 2024 / 10:53
Hi Tibi, don't worry about it. We, grateful for your work, are looking forward to the model, whether the compressor works or not. You are the only developer who took on the project, and it resulted in a beautiful plane. Finally, you'll get the finances for everything you've done for us for free.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   18. 11. 2024 / 13:20
Dekujem pekne
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   18. 11. 2024 / 17:44
Také nemusel žádný Zlín pro MSFS být. Pokud bude cena cca 500 Kč, tak je to opravdu nevděčnost někoho, kdo naprosto nerozumí tomu, jak podobné věci vznikají a kolik to dá práce.

Pokud by to bylo za 2k jako PMDG, tak prosím, remcejte že nějaké tlačítko nefunguje. Pro mne je důležitý dobrý letový projev atd. spíše, než to, že jedna funkce není.

Uršitě můžete dodat vlastní Zlín pro konkurenci, který tuto funkci mít bude, nebo nabídnout svoje služby pro doplnění této tak zásadní funkce do modelu.

Navíc pokud chcete realističnost, tak MSFS není opravdu tím pravým místem...

Jednoduchá rada, nekupujte... Vypadá to, že takové modely kvůli věčně remcajícím Čechům nebudou vznikat.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   15. 11. 2024 / 14:54
Tak nakonec FS24 vyjde dřív než Zlin. To je dost velká škoda.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   15. 11. 2024 / 15:40
We sent the Zlin to Asobo more than 3 weeks. Since then, when we ask about the status of the process, all we get is an apologize...apologize...apologize...apologize
There is nothing we can do, unfortunately. They must be very busy with the release of FS2024 I guess.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   15. 11. 2024 / 17:49
There is still an option to modify the aircraft for FS2024. They claimed that the adjustment should not be too difficult. They say it's a matter of a few hours.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   15. 11. 2024 / 19:24
You cen start selling it on Simmarket, Contrail or other stores. That is only solution to get some money.
In game marketplace will not be available in MSFS24 for few weeks after release, which is another problem for you.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   15. 11. 2024 / 20:49
if Zlin will be only on the marketplace, I'm not interested in it. I simply don't buy what can't be bought outside. Too bad, I was very disappointed.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   16. 11. 2024 / 06:31
Quite funny as I prefer to buy only payware for MSFS which is on marketplace. For XPL I prefer anywhere then x-avion and org store.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   16. 11. 2024 / 09:26
I prefer to buy only payware for MSFS which is on marketplace too. It is much easier to update.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   16. 11. 2024 / 11:40
Vita Zenisek
I would preffer Z-142 for the DCS. Tamil Tiger edition.
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PWDT Zlin 142 MSFS video   18. 11. 2024 / 17:53
Today I read that MS Marketplace team is supposed to go through all existing addons and send the authors a note if anything needs to change for 2024. I don't know if it's true but it would explain why there is delays in approving new addons.
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