| ![](/img/tree_first_line.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 5. 6. 2024 / 10:01 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ9imzUxm_E
Aby som uviedol veci na pravú mieru: Minule som sa tu dohadoval s Tiborom, že som mu ja poslal podklady na L-200D. Za to sa mu tu verejne ospravedlňujem. Ale napriek tomu trvám na tom, že tie podklady sú aspoň väčšinou odo mňa. A ten fotografický materiál mám aj v elektronickej podobe aj na CD. Lenže po prekopaní záložného disku som zistil, že som ich poslal nie Tiborovi, ale Bence Benedekovi, ktorý ovšem robil spolu s Tiborom, takže v podstate je to jedno. Možno sa mýlim, ale vidí sa mi, že Tibor mal vtedy nick clidey71 a vtedy ma požiadal aj o priateľstvo na FB. Ale to nie je podstatné.
Podstatné je, že podľa toho videa je L-200 Morava perfektná a keď ju Tibor vydá - ak ju vydá - a ja sa toho dožijem, tak si ju kúpim bez ohľadu na to, aká bude cena. Len dúfam, že to nebude 100 €.
S tými 100 Eurami samozrejme žartujem...
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 5. 6. 2024 / 10:25 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Treba si to prepnúť na začiatok... videa |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 5. 6. 2024 / 17:45 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | No, moc pěkné video. Vypadá to naprosto luxusně. Já jen doufám, že se mu to podaří dotáhnout až do konce a letadlo bude nakonec k dispozici v MSFS v in game obchodu. Doufám, že to nedopadne jako s Da42, nádherný letadlo, který bych si okamžitě koupil, ale není v in game obchodě. |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 6. 6. 2024 / 08:43 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Well, if you speaking of money...
It is now certain that Morava will never be completed under either FS2020 or FS2024.
What you see in the video is the limit of my programming knowledge.
In the last few weeks, 2 programmers and 2 sound engineers have come forward to complete - and I stress complete, not create something from scratch - Morava, but they asked me for an amount that I cannot afford.
I am not a millionaire. It's no secret that they would have asked EUR 3000-3000 for their work. Yes, that's a total of 6,000 EUROs. So thank you, but I can't afford that, so I will never have Morava. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 6. 6. 2024 / 10:19 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | This is sad news. Even if a collection of 50 Euro / 1200 CZK was made, at least 120 people would be needed. And I don't know if that many enthusiasts will gather. I don't have a problem giving the 50 Euros. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 7. 6. 2024 / 18:27 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | I am ready to support the development with the 50 euros at the beginning too. And if it needs to continue to support in further steps,. We should not miss this opportunity for this iconic plane. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 6. 6. 2024 / 16:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | So the only problem is money? But this problem is solvable. What about a fundraiser or Kickstarter? I personally am willing to donate 200 euro. (400 euros if it will be in the in-game store as well). |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 7. 6. 2024 / 15:15 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | What about trying contacting Asobo? They made Ae-145 a local legend, so maybe they could help. Maybe with next upgrade of Central Europe |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 8. 6. 2024 / 21:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Im not target audience, but crowdfunding can help |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 9. 6. 2024 / 09:24 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Mal som snahu pomôcť, napísal som Barrymu a odpovedal mi:
Hello Jozef,
I am sorry but we are incredibly busy right now and I also have to go into hospital for an operation.
With everything else we have on at the moment we can't get to another project for quite a while.
For support on Microsoft product like the Aero, people MUST use the correct Microsoft channel. It is the only way we get notified of any changes needed.
Take care,
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 9. 6. 2024 / 12:06 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Ahoj Jožo,
Thank you for your kind intercession, we will see what the future brings. |
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![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Ešte raz k L-200D Morava do FSMS2020 7. 6. 2024 / 18:33 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | No ty vole. Vo VR to bude bozi ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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