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Cituji: Why?
It's really old software. Internally, vroute runs on programming language that most programmers of 2023 never even heard of, on unsupported versions of other programs such as Internet Explorer 6. It's great that it still works for you and that I was able to keep it running for close to 20 years, but I cannot keep it that way forever.
Keeping vroute up is a personal challenge, both in terms of time & the cost of external services such as hosting. Rebuilding it into modern IT tools has been a massive effort which I could not personally support, nor envision others supporting. Simply handing over the passwords to someone was not possible for legal reasons (personal data etc.) and because there was no way to prevent further decline which would put the data at risk.
Konec citace
Jako chápu, že věci programované v Assembleru se dnes asi drží při životě hodně těžko. Analogicky jako mít vedle sebe údžbu Vectrona a Papouška. U Papouška srovnatelný servis bude stonásobně více práce, tomu už se můžou věnovat fakt jen srdcaři.
Nějak nemohu dohledat, že by za vroute stál tým AVSIM, nebo že by vroute mělo placenou náhradu... |