Tak jsem provedl dle instrukcí a zatím to vypadá docela dobře. Nicméně, pořád je tu chybová hláška k R2 library, kterou jsem i přeinstaloval, pro jistotu:
1:02:58.152 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/R2_Library/industrial/velektrarna_100.obj:639:
1:02:58.152 E/SCN: LIGHTS 0 1 is out of range; OBJ file is bad.
1:02:58.152 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/R2_Library/industrial/velektrarna_100_1.obj:639:
1:02:58.152 E/SCN: LIGHTS 0 1 is out of range; OBJ file is bad.
1:02:58.152 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/R2_Library/industrial/velektrarna_100_2.obj:639:
1:02:58.152 E/SCN: LIGHTS 0 1 is out of range; OBJ file is bad.
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: | There was a problem loading the scenery package:
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/R2_Library/
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: | The scenery may not look correct.
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: | Please see the Log.txt file for detailed error information.
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: | (OBJ_read.cpp:710)
1:02:58.152 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |