| | CaptainSim blesková sleva, vše 9.99€ 12. 1. 2016 / 17:32 | |
| | Tak s expanzí dáš za PMDG krásných 160 USD. Což je diametrální rozdíl.
z jedné recenze "After all is said and done, one may be wondering whether they should purchase either the CS777 or one of the other 777s in the market?. Some may say that the choice is obvious but I found this is certainly not the case. It has been long standing that FS users seem to believe that if Company X releases a 777 and Company Y also releases a 777 that both products will compete with each other on every level. But this is not so and it may be presumptuous to think so. First of all, while most products may claim to be a “full simulation” of the 777, they all have their pros and cons. Some 777 models may appeal to users who are fanatic about having every single switch perform a specific task, but in reality I am not so sure how many actually use these features correctly or uses them at all but those who do will be happy they found a model that suits their needs. The CS777 offers you features that give you a sufficient immersion into flying the 777 but also simplifies many features to suit the FSX platform and average users in addition to the more advanced enthusiast."
PMDG na mě umí až příliš (alespoň to NGX), takže pokud některý minor systém fungovat nebude, tak mě to nijak netrápí, zvlášť pokud to zapnu párkrát do roka cenový rozdíl je tedy dost výrazný.. 130 dolarů je pro mé používání příliš, nad 10€ neuvažuju, ani za funny letadlo jsem nedal tak málo a "hloupé" scenérky mě stojí taky víc.
Vzhledově jsou na tom podobně, CS má navíc zpracovanou kabinu, cestující, palubní personál A za 10€ (i bez slevy) android aplikaci pro FMC...
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