Here is another picture of an JAS-39D with the correct pilot models:
Many years ago when the old AlphaSim forum was still going strong a guy called Dan which worked for AlphaSim sent me an updated Gripen package with the correct style pilots via a PM on their old forum. But this was so long ago and I have lost the files. So if anyone have those files then i for sure would be extremely happy. Im Swedish and would deepl love to have the more correct model of this Swedish beuty!
Sorry those are just repaints of the alphasim model. But if you compare this imge below with the others i have posted you will see a clear differance between the different models. Just look at the pilots!
Pamatam sa na nu a mal som ju v FS9. Skvela praca. Neslo by to tranformovat do FSX? Myslim, ze by som nebol jediny, ktory by po nej siahol hned a zaraz! brancoj