Vypadá to, že NDA (dohoda o nezdílení informací) padla a betatesteři nyní můžou otevřeně mluvit o P3D a uvolňovat obrázky či videa.
Toto napsal Flightbeam Studios na svůj facebook:
Now that some restrictions have been lifted, we can safely tell you Flightbeam has been participating with Lockheed Martin's Prepar3d V2 BETA, for two reasons
1. Make P3D v2 better by providing feedback to LM
2. Make our products 100% compatible.
First off, this needs to be said about some crazy rumors I've been reading...
The folks over at LM are closely listening to FSX customers, and by no means is P3D restricted to non-entertainment customers. I can assure you that the wild rumors about LM chasing out entertainment customers are untrue and most are unfortunately originate from folks who support the "other" simulator platform in development, which I will not mention.
Now on to exciting things... this IS the FSX replacement. Everything said here comes from first hand experience and testing. Just from our screenshot attached, you will see several things already. Dynamic cockpit shadows, native bloom (no performance penalty), and volumetric fog. This is just the tip of the iceberg, LM has extensively optimized the engine and it runs much more efficiently than FSX. ALL your CPU cores will be used. Your GPU/Video card will finally take a beating (I know mine has). LM Engineers have also modified code to better optimize memory management, which also means less OOM. And did I already mention, its now a DirectX 11 engine?
And what better news than this: All our products are compatible now, and LM is expected to release V2 THIS MONTH.
Happy Friday everyone!
Zdroj: https://www.facebook.com/FlightbeamStudios |