Nicméně tak jak to popisuješ priorita meshe ve FSX opravdu nefunguje, to co popisuješ platí snad ve FS2004.
FSX-ka prohrabe všechny aktivované scenerky, najde všechny meshe dané oblasti a zobrazí ten nejpodrobnější (s nejvyšším LOD), bez rozdílu jakou jsme mu dali prioritu.
V případě, že je více meshů se stejným LOD, vybere a zobrazí ten, který je výše (má vyšší prioritu).
viz např. čtení k FS Global:
It is important to understand how elevation data of different sceneries interact.
Generally, a scenery layer that stands higher in the scenery library and has a lower
number under “Priority” supersedes any scenery that stands below. That is why it is
important to install FS Global correctly. In some early versions of Microsoft Flight
Simulator there have been special rules for elevation data, this is not the case for
There is one exception: Independent from their order in the scenery library, higher
resolution elevation data always supersede lower resolution data.
Example: In the previous section we’ve seen that the file DEM0601.BGL of the default
scenery contains a small LOD10 mesh for the Dover Cliffs. FS Global installs in a
higher level than the base scenery and generally overwrites the base scenery, as both
sceneries offer an LOD9 resolution in Europe. Except in the area of Dover, where the
LOD10 mesh of the default scenery has higher priority. So what you see in Flight
Simulator is the best combination of both: the LOD10 Mesh of the default scenery at
the Cliffs, and the FS Global mesh everywhere else.
This concept usually makes sense, as it protects the higher quality data. However, if
you want to deactivate the default scenery completely, it is the best to rename the file
{FSX main directory}\Scenery601\scenery\dem0601.bgl with a different file ending.
Doing so will prevent FSX from loading these data, and it even reduces the loading
time slightly. The Cliffs of Dover will still be present, although not quite as steep due
to the lower resolution of the mesh.