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Morava drawings Jeden příspěvek | Celý strom
Morava drawings   25. 7. 2012 / 21:11
Hello !

I'm looking for L-200D Morava 3-view drawings, maybe somebody on this forum can help I have some drawings from magazines ( L+K, Zlinek, Modelar ) but these drawings shows the L-200 variant, NOT the L-200A or D. The main difference is at the cockpit/windshield section, because A and D variants have lower cockpit. If anybody has any information in this question, please contact me !


Morava drawings   25. 7. 2012 / 23:00
No chlapci, (toto nie je odpoveď Bencemu, ale výzva) ak by niekto z novších členov fóra nevedel kto je Bence, tak je to jeden z autorov v minulosti (špičkových) eroplánov do FS-ky. Takže doporučujem prehľadať všetky disky a všetko o Moravách mu poslať. Aj ja tak urobím. Myslím, že sa možno rysuje kvalitná Morava.

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 10:48
To určitě jo - ale i pro nás zajímavá informace, pokud je správná - nějak jsem zatím neslyšel o tom, že by L-200A a L-200D měly rozdílné rozměry (výšku) kokpitu - vy někdo jo?

Vím bezpečně, že 1. prototyp L-40 metasokol měl nižší kryt kabiny (nižší štítek a nižší světlou výšku v kabině) - všechny ostatní už mají kryt kabiny vyšší. Že by něco takového bylo u Morav jsem ale zatím neslyšel...

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 11:40
Letadla z ověřovací série značené L-200 (s Minory 6) měly opravdu proti L-200A a L-200D kabinu vyšší o 43mm. Toto zachycují výkresy ve Zlínku, takže mi není jasné, co přesně tazatel hledá...

36275 B / 595 x 451 / L-200 Zlinek.jpg

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 13:06
No ja tiež presne neviem čo Bence hľadá. Ja som (myslím že to bolo pre neho) kedysi dal nafotiť všetky Žilinské Moravy - včetne interieru a išlo to k nemu myslím cez Peťa Priskina, ktorý tiež mal rozpracovanú (asi v spolupráci s Bencem, ale neviem isto a aj s Rusmi) perfektnú Moravu. Potom to nejako "zhaslo" takisto ako C-11 (ktorý už mal aj vymodelovanú tondeho hlavu ako pajlota )
Ale o C-11 by mal niečo vedieť aj Kendy.

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 14:56
Super snad by byla ta Morava ještě pro FS9.


Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 15:28
I use google translator to understand your discussion Here is a screenshot from 3D Studio with the side view drawing and a side view photo. The windshield has steeper angle on the real plane compared to the drawing. Maybe it does not seems a big difference, but it affectes the top and front views also, and gives a bad 3D model, it's just like-a-Morava, not THE Morava... But it seems there is no better drawing for the plane, I have to puzzle the views from photos. Or I'm not clever enough )
18737 B / 600 x 331 / l200_diff.JPG
20314 B / 600 x 450 / render2.jpg

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 16:29
L 200D. Compare with the drawing.
15180 B / 600 x 193 / pravý bok L 200D.bmp
37427 B / 600 x 406 / 1957805.jpg

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 17:02
Takže obráceně proti meťáku - ověřovací série měla kabinu vyšší, série pak měly nižší.

Předpokládám tedy že L-200A a L-200D měly kabinu stejnou - nižší? Asi jo...

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 16:15

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 16:39
I have this drawing also, but it is wrong also All the drawings I have from L+K, Modelar, Zlinek, FMT modeler magazines come from the same source, some has better resolution, some has more detail, but the shape is the same.

Look at the picture : on the front view the windshield has a completely different outline.

No other way, I have to make it from pictures....
20307 B / 600 x 330 / morava_front.JPG

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 17:10
Great work!
The problem is, that in fact neither before the takeover, nor after it, it is very hard to get the access to the original factory blueprints - if there is any posibility. So - it is easy to imagine, taht the authors of the popular articles had used the articles of their predecessors. I think that this is the common problem of such a special drawings...
Unfortunately the main czech aeronautical history and technics archive was flooded during the year 2002 and it seems to be no possibility to peep in it...

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 17:26
Thanks ! It was my opinion also : impossible to get factory drawings for an old plane. Yesterday I wrote to Let factory, if they can help, but I got this answer :

"Unfortunately we are not able to help you with your inquiry. L 200 is old programme from the times when 3D technologies were not usual at all, into the bargain, this programme is inactive for many years already."

I'm sure that the original drawings are in the deep of a cabinet somewhere, but nobdoy will dig them out

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 17:33
Affirmative, ab-so-lu-te-ly!

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 18:05
The Morava is in FSX?

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 18:10
And please: will then plan a Super Aero 45/145?

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 18:22
I plan a lots of things to do... Morava and Aero is planned for FSX, but don't ask me a release date...

Morava drawings   26. 7. 2012 / 18:24
O.K., thank you

Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 13:30
...And who will make the textures for this beauty, Bencécske?
And what about gauges?

Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 13:39
I guess we could have someone skilled in making textures, once they are free from C-11 project (eehmm ) but gauges, those are going to be a bit of a problem in here I am afraid...

Are you making L-200A or L-200D by the way? I guess variable pitch prop in 200A is gonna be a bit problematic with FS SDK...

Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 16:46
i'm just scrabbling...

Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 13:10
Hi, I found drawings that can be got. Are the Russians and are large and detailed. There are also a side view of all types of Moravia. Send me via "private message" e-mail address where I send it. Or by e-mail address, I have it here in the profile.


Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 14:37
P.S.: Here are the (very reduced) screenshots. Great orignal I send the e-mail.
22361 B / 360 x 500 / L-200  1993 3-15.jpg
26035 B / 354 x 500 / L-200  1993 3-16.jpg
21400 B / 352 x 500 / L-200  1993 3-17.jpg
24299 B / 358 x 500 / L-200  1993 3-18.jpg

Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 16:22
Vždyť to už mu posílal Zbyněk včera. Tyhle obrázka ze Zlínka už dávno má.

Mu se ty nákresy nezdají - nelícuje mu třeba ten čelní nákres s čelní fotkou (tvar a velikost čelních oken). I když mám spíš dojem, že by to mohlo být kvůli blbému úhlu (mírně zespodu), pod kterým byla ta fotka pořízena a do které to promítnul.

Právě jestli jsou ty nákresy z modelářského Zlínku úplně vpořádku - toť otázka


Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 16:41
Nevšimol som si, že sú to tie isté. Ale s blbým uhlom som si to aj ja myslel. Nakoniec jestli to bude na 100% sedieť so skutočnosťou nie je snáď až tak dôležité. Malý rozdiel si nikto nevšimne. Pre mňa osobne je dôležité, aby sa virtuálny kokpit podobal na skutočný, tzn. aby namiesto pekných rádiusov na oknách neboly nejaké šeťhrany, a podobne. Čo má byť okrúhle, nech je okrúhle.

Morava drawings   27. 7. 2012 / 23:20
... amen, vravím Vám.

Morava drawings   29. 7. 2012 / 17:46
After two days game with polygons... I can not make better from pictures
17506 B / 600 x 353 / 2012-7-29_17-42-33-146.jpg

Morava drawings   29. 7. 2012 / 18:48
Well I honestly have to say that this is very good!

Morava drawings   29. 7. 2012 / 20:13
it looks very good. The sim must be X-Plane

Morava drawings   29. 7. 2012 / 20:54

Morava drawings   29. 7. 2012 / 23:00
beauty !

Morava drawings   31. 7. 2012 / 10:40
Some more pictures here. I will update as I go

Morava drawings   31. 7. 2012 / 13:11
Again, the beauty. I was ready to ... . And after the Super Aero 45/145...

Morava drawings   14. 8. 2012 / 13:32
19122 B / 600 x 353 / 2012-8-14_13-23-18-272.BMP

Morava drawings   14. 8. 2012 / 18:48
In order to be ready...

Morava drawings   26. 8. 2012 / 16:24
Hello ! I'm looking for a pilot oparation handbook for Morava. I test the model in FSX, and I want to setup realistic speed, rpm, prop speed, manifold pressure, etc...
19075 B / 600 x 349 / 2012-8-25_21-3-6-755.BMP

Morava drawings   26. 8. 2012 / 16:32
Hi, send me your email in private message...

Morava drawings   3. 9. 2012 / 15:41
Project is on its way, I tried to add the braces for the control surfaces instead of bump mapping. I think it looks good

We still looking for a person for gauge programming. If you interested, feel free to contact me !


Morava drawings   3. 9. 2012 / 15:53

je nějaká šance, že to půjde i na FS9 ??

díky za informaci


Morava drawings   3. 9. 2012 / 17:05
I tried to export MeshSmoothed models to FS9, but the result is ugly FS9 can not handle it, and I won't build a completely new model for FS9. There is a turorial for it somewhere, If I find it and it works, everything may be possible.

Morava drawings   3. 9. 2012 / 18:23
is this what you´re looking for?

By the way exterior looking very nice. Good work!

Morava drawings   3. 9. 2012 / 17:51
Wow, it looks better than real one!

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