znám již pár lidí co si to BUILDLI .-) prý, že součástky suma sum cca 300,- Kachlí........
Component Value Quanitity Designator Remarks
Microcontroller ATMEGA8-16PI 1 U1
Crystal Oscilator 12MHz 1 Q1
Zener diode 1N4733 2 D1, D2 May be any 3.3V zener diode.
Diode 1N4148 28 D3-D30 May be any low power silicon diode.
Resistor 2.2k 1 R1
Resistor 4.7k 1 R2
Resistor 82 Ohm 2 R3, R4
Resistor 330 Ohm 4 R5-R8
Potentiometer 10k 6 R9-R14 10k is recommended but potentiometer of any greater value up to 100k may be used.
Capacitor 10uF 1 C1 Polar capacitor.
Capacitor 15pF 2 C2, C3
Capacitor 0.1uF 3 C4-C6
Inductor 10uH 1 L1 Or some similar value. Can use a simple wire instead if inductor is not available.
Socket USB type B 1 J1 May be omitted if USB cable is soldered directly into PCB.
Connector DB-25 male 1 J2
Socket+Connector 5-pin 1 JP1, JP2 Or some other pair with more than 5 pins.
Socket+Connector 3-pin 6 JP3-JP8 Or some other pair with more than 3 pins.
Socket+Connector 11-pin 1 - If buttons are connected to PCB through socket any 11 or more pin socket/connector pair may be used.
Button Pushbutton 24 S1-S24
Hatswitch Hatswitch 1 UP-LEFT