Below is a list of all the fixes included in this patch. As you can see it is split in two parts as it includes all items from the 1st version now fully functioning and 31 new fixes.
Please don't ask about issues not on the list as they have all be delayed until the SP. I hope you all understand how and why we have given these issue priority.
The patch is now ready for release.
This patch fixed:
1. CTD when entry STAR TRANS.
2. CTD when press DES NOW.
3. CTD when select 4/4 PROG page
4. CTD when engaged LNAV mode after go-around.
5. Clock and CDU time display incorrectly.
6. The ND may draw "Radius to Fix" leg incorrectly. Has been improved but will be tweaked.
7. The N1 may change from G/A to CLB when go-around and pass thrust reduction altitude.
8. The minimums altitude is not display when above 2500 radio altitude. Will have further fuctions added.
9. The PFD may display VNAV ALT, VNAV PATH incorrectly.
10. The VS mode engaged automatically when select another altitude with altitude hold mode engaged.
11. The texture of differential Pressure Indicator is not correct.
12. The waypoint speed constraint logic is not correct.
13. The LNAV mode may disengages incorrectly.
14. The aileron indicator display incorrectly.
15. The waypoint altitude constraint may not correct during descent.
16. Unable to copy position to scratchpad from POS REF page
17. The waypoint speed display in HOLD page always in MACH.
18. After load STAR, the FS may intermittent freeze.
19. Improve VNAV performance during descent.
20. Engine start switch have no effect in FLT position.
21. The cruise altitude may display incorrectly.
22. The VREF logic is incorrect
23. The VREF(R1~E3) in the APPROACH REF page can't transfer to R4 directly.
24. Didn't model the IRS 30 seconds shutdown syscle function.
25. Wrong PFD/ND layout with IRS's off.
26. Can't enter "1" as takeoff flap.
27. EGT, F/F, oil pressure and oil temperature pointers and digital readouts are always displayed.
28. Wrong exit hold logic.
29. Reverse NAV light switch. Fixed for 2D only. VC fix will be included in SP.
30. The DES NOW may descent the plane without MCP altitude restriction.
31. Missing the TCAS test visuals on PFD and ND.
1. OOM problem
2. CTD when input route data in the RTE page 2/2
3. Sometimes, the plane CTD when LNAV to the last waypoint.
4. Add real CDU font
5. Can't track HOLD pattern.
6. The ECON speed may freeze to M0.77
7. The FD go-around mode can't be engaged
8. The overhead IRS display may display incorrectly.
9. Push "DES NOW" at CDU DES page didn't illuminates the EXEC light.
10.TCAS still can pass test when IRS is not working.
11.REVERSER light didn't illuminate when the thrust reverser is commanded to stow
12.After entering REF airport in the POS page and goto RTE page, the REF airport will automatically display in the scratchpad
13.The panel status can't be saved.
14.Flaps Up Airspeed changes to VREF+70
15.Enter the cruise altitude in the PERF INIT page will illuminates the execute key.
16.If command pitch and roll modes are not engaged, the F/D command bars do not appear.
17.The Master (MA) Flight Director Indicators illuminated incorrectly when A/P and F/D are all engaged.
18.The progress page 2/4 displays wind date incorrectly.
19.Some logic errors in pressurization system.
20.The passenger signs will not working without electric power.
21.The "BAT DISCHARGE" illuminated incorrectly.
22.The thrust mode is CLB during descent. Now, it is CRZ.
23.The thrust mode is TO during go-around. Now, it is GA.
24.The plane can't track LOC very accurate at high magnetic declination.
25.The N1 mode can't engaged correctly whthout entry weight date into CDU.
26.The BBJ2 use default 737's sound |