"...the airplane had already rotated for takeoff but failed to become airborne resulting in at least one tailstrike."
znamena priblizne toto:
uz mel cumak nahore, ale nepodarilo se mu vzletnout, coz vyustilo v alespon jeden ocasouder (tailstrike)
"A Shanghai based pilot witnessing the crash said, that the main gear left the ground just before the end of the runway, the airplane however did not climb more than 10 feet, impacted approach lights and antennas and fell back onto the ground."
a dalsi veta je priblizne toto:
Svedek (pilot) vypovedel, ze leva cast hlavniho podvozku uz byla v luftu tesne pred koncem RWY ale ero se presto nezvedlo o vic jak deset stop, trefilo APR lampy a anteny a pote si lehlo zpatky na zem... |