New Addition From MS To The GMax SDK
Posted: Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 14:10
To help scenery and aircraft developers get the most out of GMax, Microsoft has added a tutorial to the SDK. This update also includes instructions on how to use the Cabdir utility to package files and folders into a single file, simplifying the process of distributing add-ons. This part of the SDK joins the other information Microsoft has published about customizing and expanding Flight Simulator 2002. Publications so far include the MDL Format SDK, the MakeMDL SDK, Autogen SDK, Panels and Gauges SDK, Special Effects SDK, FSEdit SDK, Traffic Database Builder SDK, the ATC VoicePack SDK and Aircraft Container System SDK. To learn more about customizing and extending Flight Simulator 2002, follow the link to the SDK pages on the MS Insider website |