Ja zkousel par formatu a taky bez uspechu
Nicmene jsem presvedceny, ze to nejak jit musi - existuje programek (placeny), ktery umi "za pochodu" konvertovat textury do formatu, ktery si s DX10 rozumi - Add-On Converter X.
Navic se v review na avsim.com http://www.avsim.com/pages/0409/Flightsimtools/ACX.htm pise:
"...it does convert the textures automatically and does it quicker than doing it by hand." a na konci jeste: "Convert by hand, yes it will take longer, but all you pretty much need is the FSX or the FS9 SDK and something like GIMP, both of which you can get online for free."
...jde asi o to prijit na to, ktery format to je
Milan |