|  | Re: Re: Re: Zvuk ve FS2002 13. 5. 2002 / 10:47 | Standa |
|  | Na tugo existuje sound pack. Filename je tusim bail86.zip a je ke stazeni na AV simu. Prikladam vynatek z Readme:
FS2000-FS2002.Sound. FS2000-FS2002 Full sound set for the Ilyushin IL-76-86 TU-154. The engines on this aircraft have a truly unique sound to them. There are four 26,500lb.( 12000kg) Soloviev D30-KP Turbofans.
The interior sounds are mostly IL76 with some I added myself. It has a built in altitude wav, to simulate the high pitched wind sound heard from the flightdeck. Touchdown, reverse thrusts all included.Incedible, never before heard reverse thrust wavs.
The engine starts and shutdowns just have to be heard. I use this sound file with the IL 86 built by Dmitry Olenin,flight dynamics by Dmitry Kolesnik,(Highly Reccomended). Can also be used for any Russian airliner. Actual recording are from an IL-76
Tip: depress the F2 reverse key for much longer than usual to hear the amazing full reverse sounds
Files sampled at default 22050 16- bit- mono ADPCM Format.Files are copyright protected.
Author. Mike Hambly
bluearrowfs1@aol.com |
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