z jedné zahr. diskuze, uložil jsem si to do souboru, abych to měl navěky:
It has been discussed on some other thread, but I'll tell you what I did any how. I've only added it to the "Cheyenne I" and the "Cheyenne IA", but I'm sure it works on the other two folders. I'm guessing you know how to get to your fs9 folder and specifically the Aircraft folder. First of all, I suggest you back up your panel cfg. files in case you screw up by mistake. Start with your "Digital Aviation PA31T1 Cheyenne I" folder, where you will see the three panel folders. On each one just open your cfg. file which you should back up as I mentioned, and add the following lines to the end of each section as follows;
gauge05=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0,327,215
[Fixed Window32]
gauge37=fs9gps!gps_500, 116,176,327,209
gauge64=fs9gps!gps_500, 868,1698,544,350
After saving your cfg. files, you just start fs9 and get into your "Cheyenne I". Hit shift 7 and uncheck "Show Radar 3D-objects in VC", otherwise, you wont see your default GPS in VC mode. Also, now when you hit shift 6, your radio stack will show your default GPS as well. Like I said, it has been mentioned before, but why send you on a goose chase. Hope this helps
Obě GPSky jsou spolu v souladu.
A takhle to pak vypadá: