Mne to necuka. Mam Intel P IV, 1.8GHz, 512 MB RAM, GForce4Ti 4400. Ale: Autogen na pulku, 1024x768x16, Global Texture na Medium, Antialiasing a Render to texture off. MIP mapping quality 4, lights 5. Mesh complexity 65%, reflections off, effext detail low, lens flare off, sunglare off. Pak mam FPS kolem 30 a stale to jeste vypada velice hezky.
Mozna zalezi taky na letadle. Napriklad An-26 ma nekdy tendency v Pardubkach cukat, spravi se to po restartu.
A taky by to mohla delat Kuneticka hora. Je fakt celkem detailni. |