| ![](/img/tree_first_line.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 14:06 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | mam taky problem s team speak na stavim si tlacitko PTT na ctrl alebo ine aked ho podrzim tak sa mi v okne TS nerozosvietei moje meno. aj ATC mi povedal ze ma nepocul neviete preco ?? |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 14:21 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Tak to jsi to tlacitko nastavil spatne, protoze kdyz ho zmacknes, tak se to rozsvitit musi. Nazev toho tebou definovaneho buttonku se tam dokonce napise, kdyz jej spravne nadefinujes. A potom to "local test Area" nebo jak se to jmenuje, vyzkousis, zda to funguje. That's all folks. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 14:24 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | aj tak to nejde, pomohli by screeny ??
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 14:26 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 14:56 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 15:30 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Dnes o5 na peráku je veselo, mlha letiště LKAA a to nechci vědět co přijde večer až budou všichni unavený ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 15:32 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | ja radeji nechci vedet, co se stane, az se to podari vsechno rozbehat jak ma.... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 16:52 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | ja sem asi slepej nebo mam neco s okem .. ale ja tam vidim asi 40 prazdnejch radku, to je schvalne?
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 17:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | to je právě ta pointa ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 15:03 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Presne jak rikal Borek .....
Nebo pak by tu mohla byt jeste jedna moznost ....,ze sis treba mezitim omylem vykop klavesnici, ze ti nejde CTRL nebo neco podobneho ![](images/smile/06.gif)
U te 1 si nastavis cim chces aktivovat komunikaci, das SET a znacknes CTRL, nic vic, nic min!
U te 2 si to potom muzes vyzkusat Das ACTIVATE LOCAL TEST MODE a vzdy jak zmacknes CTRL, tak se ti to zelene kolco rozsviti ![](images/smile/06.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 15:06 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | tak ja to skusim sry za tie bile screeny ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
| |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:18 | |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:20 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Jeste jednou a pomalu,co chces vubec rict? ![](images/smile/06.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:20 | |
| |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:22 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Pokud dobre vidim, jako ze mozna ano, tak tam mas nastavene "P" ae "CTRL"!!!
Tak si to musis zmenit, zmacknutim toho SET! |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | CZDYT SEM TO I UDELal ale som zabudol napisat ze som zmenil na P a i ked stlacim p tak nejde |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:23 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | co takhle zkusit restart? Nemackas pri tom jeste nejakou klavesu? Je mozne, ze mas zasekly Shift nebo neco podobneho, takze ti to nepobezi...Kdyz nastavis CTRL, tak si dej bacha, abys mackal ten spravny, rozlisuje to levy a pravy... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:26 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:33 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | ja sem uz z toho "jelen" uz sem to preinstaloval 3krat a aj tak to nejde , vidim ze budem musiet asi len pisat ![](images/smile/02.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:38 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | nesetkal jsem se s problemem, ze by to nekomu jinemu delalo. Jeste zkus napis co mas zaskrtnuto v Options, zda Direct Sound nebo Wave...Co kdyz das voice activation, tak ti to chodi? mas v adresari TS soubor Keypress.dll? |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 15:42 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | mam direct sound keypress.dll mam kdyz dam voice activation taky nedele nic jsem uz zoufalej :- |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 17:17 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Cece, a nebude to problem v TS s detekci zvukovky? Jeste hod screen ze stranky, kde se nastavuje vstupni a vystupni zarizeni. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 18:15 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 18:22 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Zkus tak jenom pro jistotu zvolit v obou oknech misto "primarni ovladac" ten realtek, co to udela. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 20:27 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | ono to funguje moc dikyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 20:57 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | tak mas blbe nastaveno vychozi zarizeni pro zvuk ![](images/smile/08.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 21:32 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Ted uz jen cekat, az se pilot_master objevi na siti ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:07 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | no volacku mam CSA063 zvyknem startovat na ruzyni |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:18 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | prosimte, nechci te odrazovat od litani, ale nez se objevis online, nastuduj si vse poradne, dokud ti nebude jasny FL, TL, TA atd... |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:24 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | hdg, dct, when ready desc to.., hold short of, cross runway, be ready for possible go around, be ready for possible landing , reduce to final speed, reduce to final speed or less..![](images/smile/01.gif)
atd., atd., atd..![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:28 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:29 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Myslím že jsi zapomněl tvoje oblíbené ..folow ILS procedure.. ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:35 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | "Oblíbené"... moc oblíbená ta instrukce není, bo nikdy nevim, co kdo vyvede..![](images/smile/01.gif)
Oblíbená je spíš "ready for immediate" a "cleared for take off, traffic 2,5 miles"..![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 23:26 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | A jaka to je "less than final speed"? ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_cn.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 23:28 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | to zde vysvetli jiste dani ATC, co jsou schopni a vubec se nestiti to pouzit ![](images/smile/08.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 3. 12. 2007 / 01:48 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Těžko říct.. Ale je to převzato z frekvence...![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 3. 12. 2007 / 14:13 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | z frekvence Radia Jerevan? To by som sa ani nedivil ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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| ![](img/nic.gif) | tohle je bohuzel z realu, nastesti jen ze simu, ale v te fazi vycviku, kde to dany ATC pouzil to je na odstrel ![](images/smile/08.gif) |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:32 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | a kde se to da nastudovat?? nektere vyrazy znam ale navod ktery je na cz.ivao.aero tak v nom to nieje |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VSTUPNI A VYSTUPNI ZARIZENI TEAM SPEAK 2. 12. 2007 / 22:35 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
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| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
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| ![](img/nic.gif) | | |
![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 17:47 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | a co jinej program, treba Skype, ci neco jineho, zaznam zvuku ti funguje? |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAM SPEAK-SCREEN.OPRAVNY SCREEN 2. 12. 2007 / 18:18 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Ja bych se vsadil, ze bude fatalni chyba nekde mezi zidli a klavesnici. Podle toho co pise, tak by TS nereagoval ani na zmacknuti aktivacniho tlacitka (= rozsviceni kontrolky pri testu). |
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![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | TEAM SPEAK znovu problem 22. 7. 2008 / 18:26 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Ahojte nechcem zakladat novy strom takze:
Mam taky problem ako minule len: ked zatlacim tlacitko na PTT tak meno sa mi rozosvieti ale ATC ma nepocuje. Mikrofon mam v poriadku funguje. Pritom dnes som este lietal a vsetko islo ako malo.
Hodim par screenov ze ako mam TS nastavene a ci mi budete vediet pomoct. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_dn.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | TEAM SPEAK znovu problem 22. 7. 2008 / 20:32 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | Jeste dej screeny z ovladaciho panelu zvuku ze sekce nahravani. |
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![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/nic.gif) | ![](/img/tree_cros_up.gif) | ![](/img/tree_arr_no.gif) | ![](img/nic.gif) | TEAM SPEAK znovu problem 22. 7. 2008 / 20:38 | |
| ![](img/nic.gif) | no evc se ma tak ze zistil som ze na vine je asi headset ale pri Skypovani funguje aj v rerpo pocut moj hlas ale pri TS nie. Akonahle som aktivoval mikrofon v webkamere uz ma v TS bolo pocut. Takze nieco bude s headsetom aj ked je v poriadku ![](images/smile/01.gif) |
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