Zdravim, chci preinstalovat FS2004 a kdyz se rozjede instalace tak asi pri jednom procentu se objevi hlaska:
Setup failed to extract files from H:\MSGAME1.CAB. This most likely caused by low memory(low disk space for swaping file) or a corrupted cabinet file. Please restart your machine and run setup again.
Koukal sem na netu cim by to mohlo byt a nasel jsem toto:
This issue may occur if one or more of the following conditions are true:
a.. There is a problem reading the game disc.
b.. There are programs (such as an antivirus program or debugging
software) that run in the background and that interfere with the game setup
c.. The Windows Temp folder is full.
d.. Your Windows paging file is damaged.
e.. The hard disk where your Microsoft Windows paging file is stored is
Zda se ze vsechny podminky splnuji (zkousel jsem CD nakopirovat na disk a instaovat ho z HDD, odinstaloval jsem antivirak, Vycistil jsem adresar TEMP, defragmentoval HDD atd.)