Som zaregistrovany na IVAO uz dlhsie a dnes som skusal stiahnut MDL no necheclo mi zobrat heslo vypisovalo nespravne meno a heslo. Tak som myslel ze ked som sa na IVAO tak dlho neprihlasoval tak ma vymazali. Zaregistroval som sa znovu dostal udaje no nic uz cakam pol dna a stale ked si to chcem stiahnut zadam meno heslo vyhodi toto:
Invalid User-Id or Password.
Take care typing password. You can see it says now
Website Password, cause you have now 2 passwords,
one for the net and a differente one for Website.
Use reminder page to get the new one.
Note: Staff passwords have been changed for
security reasons. Please use the reminder below.