Omlouvam se, ale zmizelo neco tu melo byt...Snad to pojede ted...Kompletni dopis na prepsani registru...
Ok folks, I made it:
I changed registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\teamspeak\Shell\Open\command from
folder\teamspeak.exe "&1" to folder\teamspeak.exe &1
Now teamspeak starts and changes channels as it should. Don't ask me why
and what but I thought the original command line is something I hadn't
seen before.
I kept all tsremote.DLLs unservicable so I stay with the URL mode. That
seems to be ok for me. But I am sure the DLL doesnt do much more than
use the URL.
Hope this helps the public. I will not post this to the forum, leaving
it up to you.