23.4 - 24.5 sa konala vo Francuzku konferencia na temu X-plane, kde padli prve zmienky o novej verzii.
X-Plane Version 10
* Better Scenery
o Integration of OSM (Open Street Map)
o Airport designer (an editor to quickly design your airport)
+ Do not expect all airport terminals to be included by default in v10. with
20,000+ airport, this is virtually impossible . That's why LR will provide this
tool so anyone can make their own local airport quickly. Sergio is the leader on
this tool.
o Improved WED and meshtool
* Better weather
o Very high on Austin's to do list. Expect the weather to be more localized and to
change as you fly to new destinations.
* Better default planes
o Dornier 328
+ Sergio did a presentation on The Dornier 328. It will be highly detailed. From
that we were shown, the cabin is completely modeled. All doors (including the
bathroom door) are functional and can be open through manipulators.
o MD 80
+ The MD80, also developed by Sergio, will be the new highly detailed airliner for
o Other planes will be selected
* Improved ATC
o Also high on Austin's list
* Speech recognition ? (Austin likes the concept, Ben did frown on the idea)
* The list of new features is not set. Laminar Research will still accept new
feature requests.
* Technology will also drive new features. As computers become more powerful, the
Laminar Research team can add more features to x-plane 10
* Version 9 is still the current version and will still be updated. Do not expect
X-plane 10 within at least 24 months (my own estimation. Laminar Research will not
give any date, don't even ask).
http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=38701 |